double unders
every 2 min for 5 rounds
8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / 1 benchpress
barbell cycling
alternating emom for 16 min
1 min 8 - 12 hang power cleans 52,5/35
2 min 8 - 12 dual db box step overs 22,5/15
open prep
open workout 15.1 & 15.1 A
9 min amrap
15 toes to bar
10 deadlifts 52,5/35
5 snatches 52,5/35
one rep max
clean and jerk
tc: 15 min
burpee challenge
wod 4
50 burpees for time
down ups
tc: 4 min
gymnastic conditioning
3 sets
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
15 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
60 sec rest
tc: 8 min
18 min amrap // ladder 1 - 2 - 3 - 4...
power clean
box jump over
note: 10 wallballs after every round
burpee challenge
wod 3
50 burpees for time
20 burpee over db (lateral)
20 linefacing burpees
10 strict burpees
tc: 3 min
every 2 min for 5 rounds
8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / 1 deadlift
18 min alternating emom
1 min x barbell cluster
2 min x chest to bar pull ups