10 min amrap
4 squat cleans 56/84
12 pull ups
straight into…
10:00 to establish
1 heavy squat clean
for reps
3:00 max cal row
3:00 max distance handstand walk
3:00 max cal bike
3:00 rest
3:00 max cal bike
3:00 max distance handstand walk
3:00 max cal row
note: 1,5 m of handstand walking is 1 rep
for time
400 m run
30 lateral burpees over the bar
20 clean and jerks 36/52
post workout
2:00 ghd Superman hold
note: rest and share ghds as needed
for time
500 m row
30 toes to bars
30 overhead squats 36/52
500 m row
pre workout
3 sets
6 overhead squats
note: build in load