functional bodybuilding
every 2 min for 5 rounds
4 strict pull ups
6 strict ring dips
12 air squats
double unders
12 min amrap // ladder 1 - 2 - 3...
wall balls
burpees on plate
every 2:30 min for 4 rounds
12 benchpress
20 rounds // 30 sec on : 30 sec off
alternating between
row for cal
dual db push press
male GK 1:
Athletenname | Gesamtpunktzahl | |
1 | Paul | 435,0 |
2 | Jan | 399,0 |
3 | Hristo | 348,0 |
4 | Ivan | 245,0 |
5 | Chris | 176,0 |
Sven | 430,0 |
male GK 2:
Athletenname | Gesamtpunktzahl | |
1 | Florian | 409,5 |
2 | Jörg | 384,5 |
3 | Richard | 384,0 |
4 | Mario | 275,0 |
5 | Eric | 210,0 |
Marvin | 422,5 |
Athletenname | Gesamtpunktzahl | |
1 | Andrea | 257,0 |
2 | Svenja | 251,5 |
3 | Nicole | 221,0 |
gymnastic conditioning
4 sets
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
20 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
20 sec rest
x toes to bar / (c2b) pull ups / handstand push ups
40 sec rest
tc: 10 min
6 rounds // 2 min on : 1 min off
10 thruster
10 pull ups
me power cleans